"To push 'Play' use slPhantomTray."
HALRAD slPhantomTray pilots the Devialet Phantom speakers and accessories from your Windows desktop.
slPhantomTray 1.0 is a Windows 10 (and later) remote control APP for Devialet Phantom speakers that makes it easy to Play, Pause, change the Volume and choose your source from the Windows desktop.
about slPhantomTray
To push play - get slPhantomTray
"To automate get'a salamander - slaCmdr"
slaCmdr command line automation for the Devialet phantom speakers.
Rhymes with salamander buts looks and acts more like a chameleon, lives near a Tree or under a Gecko piloting your Devialet Phantom Speakers.
HALRAD sound labs automation commander. slaCmdr.exe puts you in the
drivers seat piloting Devialet Phantom Speakers from the command line.
about slaCmdr
To automate - get slaCmdr
halrad its a salamander!